Monthly Archives: July 2019

7 Simple ways for making an Organization Employee Centric

Why Organization should have Employee centric Workplace?

  • To reduce the attrition rate
  • To increase client satisfaction
  • To reduce project failures
  • To increase productivity and profit

Current working scenario of the organizations:

About 4 out of 10 employees at any given point are having a less positive experience in how they are led, inspired, rewarded, recognized, developed and enabled.”

The world has changed. We’re living in a virtual economy. Success means connecting your employees across the globe.

Employees aren’t connected to each another. They’re not connected to their management and leadership teams. They’re not engaged in the office – and because of this, they’re not satisfied. How do we know this? Take a look at these stats:

  • 49.5% of employees report feeling not engaged, while 16.5% are actively disengaged.
  • 26% of employees are unsatisfied with their jobs – and 66% of the people who are satisfied are still open to new employment.
  • One in four employees would quit their job if offered a 10% raise elsewhere.

Ways for Employee Centric Workplace

1. Connection

Happy employees feel a connection to each another, and they also feel connected to the mission, vision and values of your organization. Insights, inspiration, Ideas spread from person to person. Empowering employees to know each other and exchange idea across the various domain/division within the organization.

2. Communication

Communicate changes clearly and with as much transparency as possible.  Give employees a way to communicate to the company beyond the old-fashioned suggestion box. Chat is a handy tool for quick conversations, but it can also lead to miscommunication, Encouraging more no of town halls, one on one meeting.

3. Reinforcing Employee Health and Wellness

A person’s performance and productivity as an employee is co related with his health conditions. Well-being of both physical and mental wellness of employees is curtail.

4. Transparency

Leadership team should conduct town hall meeting of employees and keeping them informed about their new projects, policy changes, upgradation, etc. & also posting the information on intranet page/portals so that employees can read later or get more details.

5. Trust

Open a dialogue with your employees. Openly posting product roadmaps, launch plans, team goals and status reports on your Intranet. Find out what’s bothering them. Find out what fears they have. Then figure out what you can do to solve those problems. This is the first step to building trust. But don’t stop there.

6. Engagement

Make sure your new employee has everything he needs to get up and running on his first day. An assigned desk, computer, phone, badge and most importantly, access to information. Encourage your team to give the new employee a warm welcome. Post about the new hire on your team Intranet page. Keep the post open to comments so the new employee can get positive attention on his first day.

7. Supporting Team work and Collaboration

Collaboration requires people to work together and be open to one another’s ideas and knowledge. Granting employee’s access to manage the intranet encourages innovation and increases productivity. But it’s the aspect of taking ownership that improves collaboration in the workplace by providing team building activity, small gathering, team outing, fun activities, celebrating occasions together.

AI in Recruitment

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expeditious and emerging in Recruitment domain as well.According to 2019 data 52% of Recruiters say that half of their time goes in screening and filtering the right candidates. Henceforth finding right talent in 2019 is still dependent on Recruiter’s ability.

So How AI Will Help Recruitment

As recruitment market is buzzing with vast innovation. AI (artificial intelligence) AI will be using virtual assistant who will be resolving the problems of heavy workload and repetitive work.

The benefits of using AI for recruiters

1)Virtual assistant reduces time to-fill, Automated sourcing , screening , rediscover Candidates,Improving quality to match with the standards, increase in performance and revenue, facial expression analysis, digitized interview. 2)Diversity Hiring is the most effective in AI as 56% of people believe that discrimination will be decrease.

AI Application assistants

Chatbot’s have already grabbed the market most of the websites have an option of chat in terms of help Example: MYA , OLIVIA As knowledge, technology and design will dominate most of our work.
“AI will revolutionize Recruitment world very soon in future.”